If you are a Christian then be careful watching this. You would not want your kids to see this side of your all knowing all loving all merciful God...
“Faith in God or Gods Is Unjustified, Harmful, and Dangerous”
*And calling atheism a faith is lame*
This meme popped up on my Facebook feed recently: “When a man creates a
god, he can tell you all about him, what h...
1 week ago
It's a wonder how you can sleep at night thinking that this warped opinion of a merciful, loving, true judgment God is an evil person. If some drunk ran over your little girls with an auto who were walking on a sidewalk in a proper manner, would you blame God for allowing it with his all-seeing eye or would you blame the drunk and see that he was properly punished? or any other like tragedy to someone you dearly loved? (God does not teach the extremist view of total non-resistance in his word but teaches a balance of grace, righteous judgment, and just consequences for all sin) Would you try earnestly to get the sale of alcohol abolished or some other proper judgment imputed? What about if some whoremonger raped them, then killed them? Would you blame God because He allowed this horrible deed? Or seek proper judgment or both, and better preventions to prevent these horrible crimes? Everyone is making these kinds of choices day by day till the end comes. I am not going to stake my eternity on someone else’s wrong choices. I’m glad for the law to abide by and bring proper judgment on anybody, (Read Rom. 13)--including my own children—for the sake of their souls to be corrected before their eternity as mine or others. Would you want to live in a country without any laws or punishment for any wrong doing. I don’t think so. Don’t be so foolish as to place yourself in the place of God to know how God should have ordered things in those circumstances. NO ONE should ever try to take the place of God in a blasphemous, I KNOW IT ALL attitude because we just don’t fully understand God.
When God led the children of Israel into the occupiers of the promised land everyone was always given opportunity to be subject to Israel and God’s laws accordingly, before they were destroyed. The children of Israel was also responsible for destroying all the idols, etc. of those who were becoming occupied by Israel. There was no respect of persons with God, not even for Israel. None of us should play God. Yet, in certain periods of time, God in his foreknowledge knows who will repent and who will not, even with children. No one should try to take God’s place in this responsible place of authority, whether they think it’s right or wrong—when It is very, very clear that God says to do it. ANYTIME children were ever killed by the command of God anytime, it was because the parents were responsible for their outcome in their rebellion. This relays a picture to us that we are very responsible for how we teach AND LIVE before our children. I don’t believe this judgment necessarily means all the children went to hell. As far as we know, none who do not have proper accountability, are eternally lost.
In closing, you are portraying the True God to be a wimpy, cussing, god, by publishing such blasphemous material which is very, very dangerous. I have known people who have done this who have had swift destruction, and others who have longer lives than some Christians, but have some very tragic things happen to them who live in living torture. Beware.
Your God reverencing,
Uncle Gordon
I'm very sad for how you've chosen to use this blog. You began this with the intention of updating us all on your battle with cancer. A battle which you received hundreds of prayers for and have had prayers answered about. Now you've turned it into a shameless video posting site. You should be ashamed of yourself.
For starters, I know for a fact that you yourself could personally disprove 90% of the garbage that these videos spew out. Secondly, you know that the majority of the people that check this are people of faith. I think you are intentionally trying to pick fights with anyone you know who believes in God. Perhaps you should stop ending your posts with "Peace, Emory".
If you want to start an atheist blog then by all means, go for it, but please spare us your blasphemous and disrespectful video posts. I know you're not a fan of believing in things you can't see, but there is such a thing as honor and character. I've always thought of you as an honorable and strong man, despite leaving the Church and denouncing God, but I have to say that my opinion of you has taken a hit in the last few days.
in Christ with prayers and hope,
@Gordon. You are a truly sick individual. Have you even found a church perfect enough to attend yet, or are they all too filled with sin?
I will deal with your personal attacks on my character separately. For now I would like to focus on the 90% of this video that you say I could disprove. If you think I could disprove it then you must know that you could. So, I invite you to go through the video one verse at a time and show how it is being misinterpreted or used out of context. (You may want to watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK7P7uZFf5o first.)
I love my family and friends and therefore want to teach them the good news of reality and try to break them out of the delusion. I don't believe there is a god, in general. And specifically I do not believe the God of the bible is real and if he is he deserves no respect. Why would I want to only preach to the choir? What right have you got to tell me to? I truly believe there would be more peace in the world if there was no religion. As such, I will conclude my comments as I see fit.
My next post will be dedicated to the ones who helped me see the light. I will stop posting the videos. The sarcasm is lost on the truly deluded and anyone I may have reached will have been encouraged already by my speaking out.
When you are ready to continue our discussion on the issues you have specifically then you know my email address. The ball has been in your court for a while now. As for going through all the verses cited in the videos, I wish the creators had done that. I sort of agree with your comment about more peace in the world without religion, only because religion is man's attempt to reach God, Jesus Christ is God's attempt to reach man.
in Him,
Hi Emory,
I am assuming that you think I am sick mentally or spiritually, since I am now 61 and have never been in a hospital overnight yet, and again I give praise to God for the fact that at eighteen years of age he had mercy on me as a sinner, and forgave me of all my sins and following gave me his Spirit in sanctifying power, and has continued to forgive me and renew me with His Holy Spirit as I have been convicted of newer light as I walked with Him. I have been faithful since that time to keep the Sabbath of the Lord (never worked, bought merchandise, nor sold any merchandise on Sunday, the Lord’s Day) and to treat my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit while also eating as healthfully (spiritually, mentally, and physically) as I know how. Without His grace and health, I cannot do anything.
The last time I checked in with Jesus, which was this morning during which time I also prayed for you, my family, and several others, I found assurance and confidence that all is well with my soul toward God and my fellowmen. Mentally, I just finished balancing my bank business statements which come out exact and I am still competent enough to still be in my piano business after 12 years and my best year was in the time of this past recession, this last year. So be it.
As for Church fellowship, I am ministering in two assisted living homes every Sunday and visiting any neighbors and people I have ministered to in rehabilitation. (where two or three are gathered together in my name, meaning nature and way, there am I in the midst of them) I would like to be in a godly, spiritual church (as far as the leadership is concerned; not referring in being judgmental of those who are seeking to find a relationship with God and are newcomers to the faith). After 43 years of knowing the Lord, I am as particular as God’s spotless church is about worshipping the holy God and not having fellowship with the evil works of darkness. If those who are non-biblical don’t want me to come to their church because I am biblical, then I can’t do anything about that. As you say, if one can’t believe in all God says, there is no sense in believing part of it (other than at least being that much right in belief; God still requires a whole heart commitment). I have found that churches are operating like a business, or a club, than a holy, pure, loving, fellowship who are committed to the whole truth. God says if we allow just a little bit of sin in our hearts, then the whole body becomes defiled as leaven affects bread. If you think I am too desirous of Christian perfection, take a look at the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation. Two of those churches were perfect or blameless. The others were chastened by God to get sin out of their churches. If people don’t want to get cleansed and delivered from all sin for the main purpose of coming to church in Christian fellowship, then otherwise, it becomes a “defiled club”.
In Christian love,
Uncle Gordon
Hi Emory,
In closing, I have noticed that anything we have discussed and I explained you went on to something else rather than reasoning rightly to a concrete solution or fact. You are doing nothing but spinning on a “crazy cycle”. I never did like “atheist-go-a-rounds”. So, I wish to approach this at what we do agree on. We both agree that we should reason to what is genuine truth. Let us settle one issue at a time before we go to the next topic, as I am a Christian apologetic. It can be settled with solely truthful reason. Note the following:
Reason is the thing that makes some fact or truth understood.
Faith is the evidences and substance which we can see, ABOUT things which we cannot see with our physical eyes, which cause us TO BELIEVE; this is called a revealing or revelation.
Reason is relative to truth; It is a way of knowing truth; understanding it, discovering it, or proving it. Faith is also relative to truth. It is a way of discovering truth. No human being ever existed without some faith.
We ALL know most of what we know by faith: that is, be belief in what others—parents, teachers, friends, writers, society—tell us. Faith and reason are roads to truth.
Truth is fact; a fundamental reality; a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true.
Now, based on the above, let us tackle one issue at a time by answering: Y for YES (if most of our reason is in agreement with the issue at hand), N for NO (if most of our reason is not in agreement) and DK for I DON’T KNOW (if we are equally in doubt for and against) I will make a table that you will need to copy to clipboard, fill in, then paste back on our comment entrance.
Is Gordon still sick in your truthful reason?
Is it as reasonable to believe that Adam & Eve were the first parents of all humanity as to
believe your parents are really your parents or that George Washington was really the
first U.S. President?
Is it reasonable to believe that all the genealogies
of the most ancient of all history books, the Holy
Bible are more accurate than any other known
Is it reasonable to believe that Jews are really
descendents of a man named Abraham as well as Arabs the descendents of Abraham, as well as many other nationalities, seeing that the strife among these descendents still exist until they accept Jesus as their Savior and become one brotherhood?
Hi Emory,
Gordon Emory Others
Is it reasonable to you that the most real part of
you, which makes your body move is invisible
and when you die the most unreal part of you
can still be seen until it decays and returns to
dust just like God’s Word says?
Is it reasonable to you that if the most ancient of
all cities as Jerusalem, Athens, Corinth, and Rome still exist, that assuredly Jesus did in fact
live, was crucified for envy and for a sacrifice for our sins, yet raised again from the dead and that Paul and other apostles and disciples did in fact live?
Is it reasonable to you that there is a perfect peach, a perfect apple, a perfect baby, as well as
a spotted peach, a wormy, apple, a deformed baby, as well as briars and thorns
Is it reasonable to you that you want your girls to know the truth and right reason than a lie and
lying reason that is not true?
Is it reasonable to you that a lie should be punished and truth should rewarded?
Is it reasonable to you that God should force you like a robot or control you as such rather than to
give you your own choice to love him or hate him, thus choosing your own destination of good
or bad, life or death, heaven or hell?
Is it reasonable to think that God is being long suffering to humanity rather than to cut them
off for their wickedness, before their repentance?
With Christian love,
Uncle Gordon
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